Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Birthday Suit

{written by: Jurassica}

Doesn't feel any different, except for the 3 new zits I found on my face this morning, I don't look any different either.. My ex was happy to burst my youthful bubble by reminding me that I no longer have any birthdays to look forward to.. Thanks Asshole, I appreciate it.
So I couldn't sleep last night... Thankfully I was bound and determined to get my room a little more organized before Carrie gets here so I had something to keep me preoccupied. I decided that I would stay up at least until midnight cleaning so that I could sing Happy Birthday to myself... Wasn't as fun as I was anticipating, but it was productive none the less.. As the hours past by and midnight came and went (that's what she said) I could NOT turn my brain off, thoughts kept drifting to the past, good times, when my papa was still here and how special he would make all of my birthdays.. those are the times I will cherish for the rest of my life..
Anyways enough of that, here's what I'm getting at...
This morning started early, I ended up getting 3 whole hours of sleep.. it was rough and annoying to not be able to fall asleep, even with my warm toasty electric blanket cranked up I could not for the life of me turn my brain off! What do I do?! You know you've been there ladies AND gents.. (Again this reminds me of Weeds, Season 5 when Andy is jerking off while Nancy is in bed right next to him.. haha best show of all time!) NATURE'S SLEEPING PILL! Nothing like flicking your bean to fall asleep, be honest and let me know if you've done this, this was not the first time I have flicked it to fall asleep, and let me tell you something, IT WORKS! And there is nothing like a little Birthday Bean Flicking, it was a great way to start/end the day.. I just hope I don't have too many nights like that, I hate laying there for hours with nothing to do and no one to talk to.. Except Flipper of course! ;)

(forgot to post this yesterday)


  1. Happy (late) Birthday!

    If anyone says they haven't done that. They are filthy liars. End of story.

  2. I have no idea what you're talking about.. I never do that..

  3. haha thank Alex, and You are a filthy liar, I believe you were the one that taught me that Carrie, jk...kinda ;)


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