Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I should be packing..

{written by: Carrie}

But I'm going to talk about masturbation instead. Why is it I'm always the most horny when on my cycle? I mean, it's like God is sitting there laughing at the torture he's causing me. I know some girls do it in the shower and what not, but that just disgusts me. I'm NOT comfortable with my period, I think that is just gross if you are. I have never and will never have sex on my period no matter how horny I am. Ugh [gag]

Anyway, only a few days left. I need medical marijuana just for my horrid cramps, think I can use that as an excuse? Maybe if I just go into detail about my period and menstruation flow the doctor will get so uncomfortable he'll just give me a prescription. Or I'll show a nipple, just one though. Showing two makes me a tramp. (Ask Charlotte, she knows) Anyone remember the episode with the sailors and Charlotte shows a nipple? haha I should watch that.

All I can say is I am anticipating a much needed date with the Quivler Tickler sometime this week. I couldn't masturbate when I was in Colorado because I forgot him, and was sleeping in the same bed as Jessica most nights (not that that would've stopped me). Haha I joke.

Guess I should get back to packing. My mom's eyes popped out of her head as she saw me pull into the driveway with a car full of liquor boxes. I said with a straight face, "I've been saving up for the move." She never knows whether to laugh or cry when it comes to me. She also saw my "Bar Careers- your manual inside! Thank you for joining us!" packet that came in the mail when I was gone. Oh mother, just love me, there's no hope for my soul.


  1. You never fail to make me laugh. Srsly. Totally know what you mean about the horniness on the cycle. Lamest.Thing.Ever. I am also with you on the no sex during that time. The thought makes me gag..a lot.

    Ah! I love that episode! The only part of that episode I hate is when Miranda is breast-feeding. Vomit.In.My.Mouth.

  2. Yeah.... Guess what arrived for me today too!
    UGH. Eff procreation.... I with create some PRO in the face of mother nature right now!
    I have no idea what that means but I MEAN IT! hah

    Awww. Your poor momo mum... Countdown for Carrie in Colorado is OFFICIAL!

    @Alex, about Miranda... A-FRAKIN-GREED!


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