Friday, January 1, 2010

What a waste of mascara

{written by: Carrie}

I was really hoping last night was going to be a blast. I was driving from Utah County up to Salt Lake around 10 pm and got a flat tire on Bangeter Highway, that was a good way to start the night. Then my friends picked me up and I left my car sitting in a bank parking lot. Gosh, I hope it's alright. The party was full of douche bags, the Salt Lake City kinda douche bags: guys who think they are way more legit than they are, fat chicks, pregnant chicks, mexican chicks, all talking way too high and way too fast. I only knew about 5 or 6 people there so we all stuck together in the corner.

I got drunk entirely too quickly and could hardly finish a game of pool. Me and a few girl friends were sitting on the couch talking when this guy who looks JUST like my ex walked up. I'm glad my reflexes weren't as sharp as normal or I would have knocked him out. He came over to tell me his cousin thinks I'm really pretty. I smiled and said "thanks" then he asked if he should send her over. "Her"? I asked. My friends found this all too hilarious and told him YES. She came over and really wasn't as butch as I was expecting. Long blond hair, thin, cute little flower in her hair, then she smiled... man I hate to be a bitch but that girl had some buck teeth. haha! not that I was looking to hook up with her, just noticed. I was so uncomfortable I didn't really know what to say to her. She followed me around most of the night or I saw her and her girl friends giggling and staring at me. Finally I sat down next to her on the love sac and said, "Honey, I apologize but I have a boyfriend and I really like to suck his dick." She started laughing and told me she was only bi, just thought I was pretty. She apologized if she freaked me out. We laughed about it and shortly after I think she left. You would've thought I'd be horny enough to take what I could get but I just wasn't feeling it.

To be honest I wasn't horny at all last night! I guess I got it all out of my system with my date with the Quivler Tickler before the party started. I am grateful for this, seeing that I would have most likely regretted hooking up with some low life in the coat closet.

The rest of the night really isn't blog-worthy. Someone found me outside laying in the snow with my face in my own throw up. I guess somewhere in the night I threw up all over the hostess's basket of shoes and felt guilty so I went out on the back porch. Then luckily my friends found me in time to drag my sorry ass home. I remember at one point throwing up outside the window on the freeway, after getting through my door I army crawled the entire flight of stairs up to my shower then passed out in there for another hour or so. Woke up a bit panicked thinking I was drowning, then made it to my bed where I passed out for 14 hours.

And that brings us up to now. Hungover as hell, still smelling a little of throw up, confused and grateful to wake up in my bed. It's a shame this wasn't a more glamourous story. Good news is I may have pushed myself over the edge enough to quit drinking again.

Anyone have a more exciting start of their New Year?


  1. I made out with a glass of wine. I mean, sure it was a BIG glass and half of it slipped down my throat at the lonely stroke of midnight... But DAMN it was a good glass ;o)

    Hah. My night was also not blog worthy.

  2. My night was spent in bed, sick, breathing through my mouth. Yeah. I rule at the lamest New Years Eve.

    Kat, at least you had wine!

    And Carrie at least you got hit on by a hot girl!

  3. Same goes for me, in bed by 10, woke up at 12:30 am though, oh great, a new year. Sleep.


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