Sunday, January 10, 2010

Oh, Charlie

{Written by Francesca}

The photo below got me thinking. Sounds like Charlie Sheen is being a bad boy again. Jesus wept.

I didn't care when it came out he was a BIG John client of Heidi Fleiss. I didn't care when Denise Richards (the spoiled chick who REDUCED her breast implants. please.) and he broke up - sounded like it was both their faults. I didn't care WHAT he did, I adored him.

Now his current baby mama (wife, whatev) says he's pulled what, a knife on her? and it's hard to maintain my disbelief and keep loving Charlie.

Who am I kidding? It isn't just love and affection that keeps me believing the best of Charlie. It's that he's just so hot. It isn't his smokin' bod (he's got an average physique, right?), it's WHO HE IS that makes him sexy. And I would totally do him. I know he wouldn't hurt ME.

I hate when I have doubts about my matinee idols. (I also choose to believe Michael Jackson was innocent, in more ways than one.) I'd much rather think about them while flicking it than worry about whether they're abusers.

Come home to Francesca, Charlie Darling. I'll take GOOD care of you. Promise. Kisses.


  1. I definitely feel the same way about Charlie... Why do you think I chose that picture for my blog? ;o)

  2. @Carrie Charlie Sheen [One of the guys pictured in my last post]


what do you really think?