Monday, January 4, 2010

The Discovery

{written by: Kat}

So once again it is past 1am
& I have not properly embraced my pillow...

Nor have I finished editing my 2010 vlog,
nor finished writing my 2009 blog,
nor have I begun my 2010 blog.

And yet here I am.
Mostly because I was surfing a random site
& found this pic:

It made me stop and think.
It did not make me stop and flick my own bean and think.
But really, I stopped and thought about it.

How many females out there were raised to be afraid of their femininity?
How many females out there have been too afraid to touch themselves there?
How many females out there were told that their 'bean' is only for their husband? Or worse... How many females out there were told if ANYONE were to touch their 'bean' it would mean 'hell'?
Or even worse...
How many females out there (yes even in the dear old US) were rushed to the ER (or kept bleeding and alone) because their culture says no 'bean' because you are subhuman?

There is SO much more to sinning (and not sinning) with your bean than what is commonly known or believed in.

What do I believe?
Well you are here at my our blog...
So I shall tell you.

I believe that God put twice as many nerve endings in our tiny bean as he put in the whole tip of the male's southern pole for a reason.
I believe that a healthy amount of time spent with one's bean is a good thing.
I believe that the next male I let go there is going to have as much respect for my mind and my heart as he does for my bean.

I believe that I am going to do my best to let my daughter know that her own bean is something to be proud of and to take care of. (Yeah, it sounds super uber creepy but I will find a way to make it not...)
I believe in the picture I found.

...What do you believe?

And, no, despite my believing...

I am not going to be having 'Kat'time with my bean.
Well, not tonight anyways... ;o)


what do you really think?