Monday, January 11, 2010

Warning: Lame intro ahead!

{Written by Bitten Usagi}

So I am finally posting. I know it's about dang time. So I figured I'd introduce myself with my first post. Oh so exciting, right?

I'm Cathy, aka Bitten Usagi, and I am definitely not anonymous. Almost everyone that knows me knows that if it weren't for the gutter my mind would be homeless and that one of my livelihoods depends on my talking to and educating women about sex, whether with a partner or some solo bean flickin'. Yeah it rocks and I get all sorts of awesome articles about such topics on a daily basis. I always wonder what a stranger would think if they opened that email address on my phone as the email subjects can be downright hilarious on their own.

I'm married and we have two furkids, both of which provide us material for lots of dirty jokes as one is a wiener dog and the other is a cat. Example: Before traveling back home to see our parents my husband was talking to his mom on the phone and told her "I just gotta go home and grab my wiener and I'll be on my way". *few moments of silence* "Honey, would you stop and think about what you just said?"

I have lots of crushes. Boys & girls. Hey, I'm married. Not dead. The hubs and I have been known to check out girls together. Odd fact: We tend to have similar tastes though I'm pretty sure if I saw me I wouldn't like me.

So that's me. I intended this post to be funny, but my brain has gone on strike so I apologize if it's lame. That's what 3 hours of sleep and an early morning will do to me. >.< I will do better next time as I won't (hopefully) be sleep deprived. Oh and I have to share this little gem my Human Sexuality prof shared today because it's awesome and something I feel very strongly about.



  1. I laughed :) If that helps! Thanks for finally writing your intro! I look forward to hearing more from you, and uh.. learning more about my bean. :)

  2. Haha wow that was GREAT! I can't wait to learn more too.. Side note: Carrie let's look into Human Sexuality Classes.. could be great fun!

  3. Yeah dude, I think the only person who thinks this intro is lame is your brain-on-strike!
    This represents you SO well and I can say that since ... how long HAVE I known you anyway?
    But I AM quite surprised you didn't call the furkids the wiener dog and the PUSSY cat! ;o)

    ps. If it doesn't run into the other classes I need to take, you should as your Prof if I can audit the class!!!

  4. Not lame at ALL! So far I think my post is the most lame out of all of you fabulous ladies!



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